The 64 arts

Dance, Colours, Sound, Crystals & Makeup
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What are the 64 arts?

The 64 arts is a system born in ancient India, meant to be learned by women, as a gate to discover themselves, reveal creative skills, knowledge and develop essential feminine qualities such as: playfulness, intelligence, refinement, sensuality, beauty and wisdom. These forms of art embrace and awaken all human sensorial experiences, from learning how to weave soft silks, aromatic or aphrodisiac foods, create perfumes, dance, play musical instruments and even painting.

We start by unveiling the Art of Dance, the Science of Crystals, Colours, Sound and Make-up, in the light of esoteric ancient teachings, adding to them a modern and tangible approach.

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 Creativity, flow, harmony

In the current times we need more and more women who live by their inner freedom, disinhibition and courage to express themselves! One of the easiest steps is to connect with your ancient wisdom embedded in your very body and let it flow…Every woman’s essential nature is to create, to bring beauty and inspiration to the world around her. In every action a woman does, she is both the muse for the hearts of those sensitive to her inspiration, and the artist that can turn her surroundings into a magical realm of creativity that springs out of her and deeply fulfils her, at the same time!

12.00 5.00€

Main Subjects of this Webinar

    • Talk about the importance of Art and objective Art

    • Explore some examples of famous art and female artists

    • Reveal the connection between expressive femininity and body while dancing

    • Become friends with your most humble servant – the body

    • Dance from the heart


For a blooming femininity

Nowadays, the wisdom of colours is neglected by ignorance or twisted by fashion. Still, it proves to be a powerful tool for the wise woman to improve, express and transform. Go wild with your preferred colours and come together to share some mysteries of this feminine initiation. Why do we love the spring? For the fresh and invigorating new beginning of Mother Nature that cheerfully thrives in vibrant colours that blossom after a winter of dull greys. Did you ever wonder about the subtle connection between these key elements: spring, flowers, invigorating, new, fresh… and vibrant colours?

12.00 5.00€

Main Subjects of this Webinar

  • the symbolism and significance of colours

  • the influence which colours secretly play over our entire being

  • the subtle energies associated with different nuances of colours

  • the connection between emotions and colours

  • improving your wellbeing by wisely using colours


 An expression of harmony & beauty

Sound and music ennobles the mind, awakens and feeds the aesthetic sense and gives grace to all human expression. In this webinar we will share with you some of the secrets for amplifying femininity, through sound and resonance, that have been used in both healing and sacred performance since ancient times. How can we dive more deeply into the present moment with the help of sound? There are a multitude of ways to use the sense of hearing to tune in with different sounds around us. Music is the subtlest of the fine arts, and has many effects on our consciousness.

12.00 5.00€

Main Subjects of this Webinar

    • The connection between sound and resonance
    • The subtle energies associated with different types of music
    • The harmony of the sounds and the healing process;


Empowering, balance & Healing

Gemstones and healing crystals serve as a tool to help connect our consciousness with its vehicles: the thoughts and emotions, the physical body and its life force. By learning the science of working with gemstones for enhancing our qualities and abilities, we can also charge or ‘programme’ them with a specific intention for our transformation. Crystals  have been used for thousands of years by almost all ancient civilisations that intuited their properties. Great sages of spiritual traditions revealed that these highly ordered structures of atoms are able to induce resonances with different subtle energies from the Universe in us.

12.00 5.00€

Main Subjects of this Webinar

  • The symbolism and significance of several of the most powerful gemstones
  • The wise usage of gems for empowering our feminine qualities
  • Recommendations of crystals and other stones for overall well-being


 Reveal your Inner Beauty

For every seeker of beauty, the conscious gentle nurturing and unveiling of our natural features and beauty can become a practice that transforms our view of ourselves, to the point that we magically transform from women to living goddesses.Since ancient times, women have practiced the art of beautifying themselves, unfolding fascinating nuances on the canvas of their souls.
We are meant to be beautiful but in a natural way, the same way we find beauty in trees and flowers, the earth, water and skies.

12.00 5.00€

Main Subjects of this Webinar

    • Explore the art of self-transfiguration
    • Understand the art of applying make-up as a ritual
    • Discover how to apply make-up according to our states
    • And how to improve our inner states using make-up
    • Play with colour combinations, typologies of skin, different shapes and forms of outer beauty
    • Identify which is your colour and how to enhance it

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